The Government of Senegal has adopted a policy that stimulates and promotes universal access to ITC. The prism of a knowledge-based society conditions regulatory measures, the strengthening of human resources and an environment conducive to the usage of ITC by both the public and private sector. In the implementation of the PSE (Plan Senegal Emergent), the PAP (Prioritary Action Plan) places digital as an engine of the economic growth.
The Government's ambition is to acquire the largest regional platform to meet one of the concerns of the digital sector: to have basic infrastructures and support facilities for the development of digital activities from a digital sustainable city and a digital technology park (PTN) that is at the heart of it.

The inclusive approach of the Government of Senegal is juxtaposed with the Senegal Digital Strategy 2025. It includes 28 reforms and 69 projects for a total cost of 1.369 billion. The first axis relates to open an affordable access to all services. The second is to have connected administration, citizens and businesses. The goal of the PTN is thus to support the ICT industry, to allow the emergence of local innovative companies, to generalize a good use of ICT by promoting technology and Digital hygiene among the actors evolving in each ecosystem. The digital transition is the cornerstone of a "Senegal of all, a Senegal for all". It is the backbone of the Plan Sénégal Émergent.